Information about Written Exams – Academic year 2024-25, Second call

Date and form of the written examsThe written exams of the second call for the Joint English-Language Postgraduate Program“International Studies – Specialization in European Studies” will take place on Tuesday 30 July2024 at 13.00 (Greek time) online.The exams will last 60 minutes and will consist of: Details for the zoom link will be sent to […]

International Conference – “The Future of European integration: challenges and opportunities for the European democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections” 15 – 16 May KEDEA Hall II

We are inviting you to the International conference on “The Future of European integration: challenges and opportunities for the European democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections”. Conference will take place on 15-16 May 2024, in Hall ΙΙ KEDEA building, University campus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The conference is co-hosted by the Double Degree Master […]

Scientific Workshop – European economic governance in a time of multiple transformations 17 April 2024 17:00, Room 319, School of Law Building, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Double Degree Master Programme “European Studies” (ESIS) – organized by the School of Political Sciences at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin – are inviting you to a Scientific Workshop on “European economic governance in a time of multiple transformations”. 17 April  2024, 17:00 – […]

Information about the written exams – Joint English-Language Postgraduate Program “International Studies – Specialization in European Studies”, First Call of Applications Academic Year 2024-2025

Date and form of the written exams The written exams of the Joint English-Language Postgraduate Program “International Studies –Specialization in European Studies” organised by the School of Political Sciences ofthe AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki and the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society (Dipartimento diCulture, Politica e Società) of the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di […]

Deadline Extension – Call for Papers for the International conference “The Future of European integration: challenges and opportunities for the European democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections

The Call for Papers for the International conference “The Future of European integration: challenges and opportunities for the European democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections”is extended until Monday 26/02/2024 . For more information about Call of Papers follow below link : For any further information please contact us at

Call for Papers for the International Conference “The Future of European integration” 15-16 May 2024 – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Call for Papers for the International conference “The Future of European integration: challenges and opportunities for the European democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections”is now open. Event organisers The conference is co-organized by the Double Degree Master Programme “European Studies” (ESIS) organisedby the School of Political Sciences at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki […]

Second “Brownbag Lunch Meeting” 29/11

We are pleased to announce that tomorrow Wednesday 29 November will take place the second “Brownbag Lunch Meeting” of ESIS Master Degree. It will deal with the EU efforts to build a common foreign and security policy of the EU in the context of the current crises. The meeting will take place at 13.00 in […]

P.P.S. Certification of “International Studies – Specialization in European Studies” (ESIS – Master Double Degree) 

The Assessment and Accreditation Council (CAC) of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), during its Meeting 33/16-11-2023, decided to grant accreditation to the post-graduate programme “International Studies – Specialization in European Studies” (ESIS – Master Double Degree)  of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the highest assessment of “Full Compliance” and with a validity period of five years, from 16-11-2023 to 15-11-2028. Certification Decision […]

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